#MarketingMondays: Stay Active






Word of advice, writers – don’t neglect your efforts.

If you’re on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (which you should be) you can’t just exist on those sites. There are several things that you must do in order to have a successful social media marketing campaign.

  1. Produce Content

    It isn’t enough to simply exist. In order to make your page something that a potential buyer will pay attention to, you have to produce content they would be interested in. Yes, your book would qualify, but not in this instance. This is where something like a blog comes in handy.

    But more than that, you have to post. It might be something as simple as updating potential readers on a particularly successful writing day, or publishing news. The reader/writer relationship is like any other relationship, it must be maintained with interesting moments.

  2. Engage With Your Audience

    Go back up to the previous point and re-read the section on reader/writer relationship. In order to build an audience in this age of social-media, you must be proactive and engaged. If someone asks you a question, go ahead and answer. Even if it’s negative, don’t hesitate to open up and interact. Don’t feed the trolls, though. There are people out there deliberately trying to get a rise out of you. Be careful not to fall in to their traps.

  3. Extend Yourself

    Don’t be afraid of partnerships. If someone is willing to share their bandwidth, offer to do the same. Maybe they are willing to Tweet about your book. Be open to the idea of returning a similar favor. Friends are important

  4. Be organized

    You must develop a plan that keeps you on track. It’s important to post as often as possible, but only at the times that make the most sense. So it’s important to know the best times for your activity. The best time to post of Facebook is 4:00 PM, while best time to post on Twitter is 12:00 PM and 5:00 PM.

  1. Be Connected

    Don’t be afraid to connect your social media accounts. In fact, with tools like Hootsuite and Spredfast, it’s a great way to stay organized and work productively.

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