Becoming a published SOOP Author requires success in our democratized selection process, a score of 70/100 or greater on our manuscript evaluation scorecard, and a willingness to take an active role in building and maintaining a platform and readership. As such, we accept ideas and authors first, then manuscripts.
When you submit your Short Story or Book Idea using the form below, it will be automatically published on our website, and available for voting. This initiates our Author-Driven Publishing model, with milestones designed to prepare you to receive a contract offer. SOOP uses a “freemium” model, in which there are no required fees, and everything you need to move forward will be sent immediately upon submission. You will also have the option to enroll in our premium program if you choose. Either way, you control the outcome.
Submissions will only be accepted through our website and the process outlined above. No snail mail and no physical manuscripts, please. Unsolicited manuscripts will be disregarded. SOOP reserves the right to reject any submission that SOOP, in its sole discretion, deems pornographic or in other ways offensive.
SOOP is seeking original, quality fiction and non-fiction in the following categories:
Arts & Photography | Mystery, Thriller, & Suspense |
Biographies & Memoirs | Parenting, Family, & Relationships |
Business & Investing | Politics & Social Sciences |
Children’s Books | Religion & Spirituality |
Crafts, Hobbies, & Home | Romance |
Education & Reference | Science Fiction & Fantasy |
Health, Fitness, & Dieting | Self-Help |
History | Sports & Outdoors |
Humor & Entertainment | Teens |
Literature & Fiction | Travel |
Authors are discouraged from submitting ideas for manuscripts that fall outside of standard lengths. We recommend that you research the length and makeup of comparable works within your genre, as each has its own traditional style. A good place to start is author and editor Chuck Sambuchino’s excellent guide to fiction book lengths.
SOOP also offers an Anthology Program. Details on our Anthology Program, which operates in a similar manner to the above, can be found using this link.
As SOOP values our authors’ time and entrepreneurial freedom, we accept simultaneous submissions under the condition that we are notified and kept updated regarding the acceptance or rejection of your other submission(s), including any self-publishing decisions.
For more information on the SOOP publishing model, please read about our company, our services, and our Author-Driven Publishing model. If you still have any questions after reading that material, please read our FAQ’s or visit our contact page to get in touch with us.
*submission of this form does not guarantee your book will be published by Something or Other Publishing, LLC.Â