‘Perfect Strangers’ By Justin Marlowe

“Perfect Strangers” is the concept for a book written by Justin Marlowe. The title pulls from the 1980s sitcom by the same name, although they bear no acute similarities. The story centers on the auto-biographical relationship between protagonists Justin Marlowe and Nicos Eaton, who met, by chance, during their time in high school. Justin and Nicos are African-American, male, suburbanites living in Stafford County, Virginia. Justin is snarky and cynical athlete, as well as a military brat, that often comes off as callous and shallow. Thanks to his father being a Lieutenant Colonel in the Armed Forces, Justin and his family were able to move and travel all over Europe. After settling in the states, they consistently relocated before finding a permanent home in Northern Virginia. Conversely, Nicos’ youth was primarily spent in the Tidewater area of Virginia. Their meeting was spear headed by their casual relationship with the same female. She “cheated” on Justin with Nicos, which causes some initial conflict. One might assume that this would cause lasting tension, but it ended up producing a fruitful friendship. . It is the process, the intrinsic relatability, and the humor, that make for a massively engaging story.

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC