A true story! Dually diagnosed mentally ill and substance use/abuse disorders of an x homeless survivor of Streets finding housing in DESC SHA funded apartments. After coming out of a cardboard box with frostbite that turned into gangrene and got her toes chopped off at Harborview Medical Center. And was there for three months before being sent to Western State hospital for three months. She was also pregnant and after having the baby at Tacoma General Hospital and sent back to Seattle without the baby yet with purpose in mind, to get housing with DESC, ending her ongoing long-term battles with feeling hopeless & homelessness. She would do it for Summerose, her beautiful newborn baby! Big blue eyes and big cheeks, she was a cutie and the time spent together was godly and sacred. Nothing could ever stop her from one day being able to see or be with Summeroses again. Or against. Pics were all she had, after being deemed unfit by the courts to keep custody. History of mental illness with over 16 x spent in Western State hospital.& PALS, a group home on WS grounds. Yet, finally, DESC offered her housing in one of their numerous properties and so began her new life in her own apartment. A home at last starting at the Morrison, moving to the Canaday, ending up (5years)at the Estelle!
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