Pinnacle Book Awards Special Listing Fee



Unlock the door to a new realm of recognition and exposure for your literary masterpiece! SOOP is excited to collaborate with the National Association of Book Entrepreneurs (NABE) and present you with a chance to enter your work for participation in the Pinnacle Book Awards—an exceptional opportunity designed for books from small presses, just like ours.

Your Path to Recognition: Affordable and Advantageous

Entering the contest requires a fee of $90, along with a $10 charge for shipping a copy of your book. However, as a valued SOOP author, we’re excited to offer you a 50% discount. 

Why You Should Embrace this Journey

  1. Elevate Your Presence: Winning or being shortlisted for a book award opens doors to continuous marketing opportunities that can set your work apart.
  2. 25 Years of Excellence: NABE’s illustrious 25-year history connects you to a vast community of passionate readers, expanding your reach and influence.
  3. A Bulk Discount Advantage: We’ve negotiated a bulk discount for SOOP authors, helping to alleviate financial concerns.
  4. Future Collaborations: This is just the beginning. Opportunities for partnerships and events with NABE can enhance your book sales and introduce your work to new audiences.

Thank you for considering the Pinnacle Book Awards. For questions, reach out to [email protected]


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Something or Other Publishing, LLC