‘When A Woman Loves Her Msn’ By Art Ric


When a woman loves her man,
if he respects, treats her lovingly by his side she’ll forever stand. When a woman loves her man she will keep him strong, for him, she will do everything she can. When a woman loves her man, and if he is good to her she will always hold firmly to his hands. When she’s truly in love with him she’ll assure he ranks high and totally ignore all the rest of them. When a woman loves her man she’ll keep him happy by making love to him over and over again! When she’s in love with her man she’ll cook him tasty meals by pulling out the pots and pans. When a woman loves her man and it’s well reciprocated she’ll please him every way she can. When she’s in love with her man there’s no need for him to worry about another holding her hand! When she loves there be no pain, for his acts of love, she won’t permit him to sleep in cold rain. When a woman loves her man, and if he is good to her she will always hold firmly to his hands! When a woman loves her man, if he respects, treats her lovingly by his side she’ll forever stand!

Poet Art Ric
Composed: 09-06–2022

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