‘The Spiders Meet The Children’ By Kathleen Sweeney-Bronson

Mother Nature creates a new species to protect the swampland which lies behind the cottages on this secluded beachfront in Jefferson County. Traps from poachers are filled in and sticks are found locked inside the steel jaws of others. The desire to meet two human children takes you on an adventure of laughter and trust. Will the spiders defy their tribe’s code and stay away from the humans? Hoppie and Shawnee have to decide between their desires and the overwhelming dream of bringing humans and their tribe together. Mandie and Jason have no idea what is in store for them as their summer vacation begins. Along with the help from Erin, the Irish setter, and Crab Legs, the seagull, Hoppie and Shawnee just might decide to take the chance and meet the human children. Or will it be the downfall of Mother Nature’s special tribe of spiders?

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