‘The child no one heard’ By Teresa Powell

She was born a premie at 5 lbs and larthagic. She was a fighter like her Mom. She was named Bobbie Lynn, born April 16, 1988. She was a pawn by her father whom, her Mom divorced when she was 3 months of age, because her dad & grandfather was arrested for burial fraud. It made National Tv. Her dad did 4 years, her grandpa received 27 yrs. When her dad was released he got court ordered visits. During the visits he would take Bobbie Lynn see her grandpa at Only , TN prison. Well Tennessee had a bright idea to set up a day care for the children visiting prisoners. They put her grandpa in charge. He raped & molested 6 children , one being Bobbie Lynn. He was found guilty and received another 180 years. Bobbie Lynn told me all about it. I took it to DCS , The courts, and legislators
The courts and DCS would say that her Mom was telling her to say this because of a custody battle. Not true though. There is now a law named after Bobbie Lynn. But the damage was done. Bobbie Lynn died at the young age of 19. She said nosn would ever want her, she hated her dad for what he did and just gave up on the evil and didn’t want to live anymore. It made National Tv 3 times, but my sweet child is no longer with me because No one listened but her Mom.

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