‘THE BRASS LION’S BRIDE’ By Temitope Omamegbe

A town on the cusp of transformation, finds itself marred by conflict orchestrated by elite outsiders. At the center of the turmoil is Obikwe, known as the Brass Lion, who unwittingly becomes the leader of a militia defending his town against ruthless investors and engaging in conflict that escalates, claiming lives and poisoning the land.

Fueled by personal tragedy and a desire for justice, Obikwe’s three-year war reaches a boiling point, and a surprising demand, the woman he loves, who is already wed and a mother of four. Clara, caught in the crossfire of family and duty, becomes the linchpin for peace.

The Brass Lion’s Bride is a poignant tale of love, sacrifice, and the power of reconciliation. The once-chaotic town discovers hope and healing through the unexpected union of two souls, transforming its narrative from one of conflict to a story of redemption and resilience.

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