‘Stoneport Ghost Stories’ By Jennifer Bassett

“Stoneport Ghost Stories” uncovers the layers of a neighborhood’s history through the narrator’s memory as she delves into the memories of childhood innocence. A glimpse into a past where unity reigned, and the bonds between families were unbreakable. Until things took a darker turn, revealing the shocking events that shattered the idyllic tranquility.

Follow the reminiscing narrator through the tumultuous aftermath of a double murder that rippled through the heart of the close-knit Laotian American community. With each passing year, the neighborhood transformed into a ghost story itself, a haunting reminder of what once was, of the laughter, camaraderie, and shared moments that now exist only as echoes.

“Stoneport Ghost Stories” presents a gripping exploration of how tragedy can reshape lives, redefine relationships, and leave an unforgettable mark on a place and its people. The narrator weaves together the threads of memory and loss, crafting a ghost story that transcends the supernatural, and digs into the enduring power of community, memory, and the lingering presence of the past.

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