‘Seven Minutes’ By Ellyne

Rowan Queen is the star of campus hockey. Popular, cocky, but behind the mask, he’s a different man. Everyone’s a fan, he’s the life of the party, but he wants nothing more in his heart than to be a tattoo artist. So he decides to change majors and start following his true dreams besides hockey. He never wanted to go pro, yet everyone expects him to make it to the NHL. Except for one person. Millie Zakharov. They meet at a party, a dressing room to be exact, when they participate in the Seven Minutes of Heaven game. They start talking and realize how much they have in common. She’s also an art student studying to be a producer, so she doesn’t like athletes. After a kiss, she runs away and Rowan does his best to find her. That’s all he need. The fact that she doesn’t want Rowan at first just burns him up. This happens, and now that they are both studying in the same department, they can’t avoid each other. The hockey player decides to woo the girl, who is the complete opposite of the sorority girls he has dated before. The girl is wild, tattooed, and NOT BLONDE. He likes it because Millie is actually much closer to his world. Through humorous, romantic moments, Rowan convinces her that the two of them would be perfect together. Millie struggles with herself, but eventually gives in and realizes she’s been misreading Rowan Queen. Sure, jealousy, misunderstood people, and the hockey world are there behind them like a shadow, but together they create their own world. Rowan and Millie seem like opposites, but as he courts her and they get to know each other, they realize that they are both artists. Rowan carries scars in his heart from a bad coach who made him not want to play hockey so badly. She is helping him to come to terms with this, but in the meantime this past event comes between them when they meet the coach. Millie questions her confidence and whether she has a place in this strange world. Rowan refuses to let her go and holds on to his dream of getting a tattoo, while keeping hockey as a hobby. He conjures up a sweet old school movie scene (Say Anything’s recorder scene) to make her fall in love. They decide to give each other a real chance while balancing between the two worlds, and they succeed very well. Rowan sets off on the road to tattoo success, while Millie is also fighting for her dreams of becoming a producer. The book ends with sweet text conversations. The end of the book also reveals which of their friends will develop a love affair, which will be the subject of the next book.

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