‘Once upon time’ By Frances Chen

Once upon time, there was an angel live in the Heaven and a fairy lived in the Neverland. They started dancing without introducing themselves, and soon began to fall in love with each other. However, they have been tighten by two opposite land, and their love is forbidden. So, the angel and the fairy went to see the Azael, the Azael said that the angel must cut his wings and the fairy must get rid of her magic so that the master of the island Peter Pan couldn’t find her. And they both did quietly for each other. When wingless angel fell on Neverland, Peter Pan told that she had left, and the angel would be his servant for lifetime. And when the fairy broke the magic bond, Neverland reached to the Heaven, God told her that the angel had abandoned his life and she could wait him in inferno. In this case, both angel and fairy decided to sacrifice themselves, to reborn in the life that they could be with each other. The angel the toxicant, and the fairy walked into the flame. They both held their wishes until the strings of their lives broke, and their new lives had came.

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