‘Missing Light’ By Ishma Ockerman

October, 2017. The year that would soon change Calinskyn’s whole life. Getting called in on a new case, four girls had gone missing just two days earlier. The only thing the girls had in common was they lived in the same town. Wavemeet, Ohio.
While working the case, Calinskyn and Sheriff Padalecki found out the case they were currently investigating had been connected to a case that went unsolved 3 years earlier. With only 12 hours to find the girls, Calinskyn and the Sheriff keep running into more dead ends.
As they get closer to finishing the case, a new twist turns them back around to question whether they caught the right or wrong guy. Had there been a partner involved during the whole crime? Where might the case lead the officers? Will they find the girls before the time runs out or will they be too late?

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