‘Hoarder Bob’s Mom’ By Deborah Watts

Bob’s house and property was one of the worst hoarding nightmares I have ever seen.
His 96 year mother died..
supposedly in a care home.
That wasn’t the truth he had her buried under a pile of hoarding crap to cover her up.
He just did want to let her go. He thought people in other countries keep the dead bodies in the house. Eventually to hide the smell of he has to put her in ONE of his numerous freezers. Now the time it come to slowly clean up his horrific hoarding mess.
Bob bought a meat grinder and ground up his beloved Mother. Bob repackaged his ground up dead Mom in big rotten hamburger packages and fed the rotten hamburger to the dogs. Then he dumped the rotten smelly package in the dumpster. Bob knew If anybody would encounter the rotten repackaged meat that looked unopened.. the smell would be blamed on the hamburger.
No one would ever know.

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