‘Heaven’s Warrior’ By Brianne Saunders

A short poem about my mother’s fight with Lung Cancer.
I hope this piece touches the hearts of those who have been through something similar.
May their memory live on for as long as air fills your lungs.
Just breathe.


Heaven’s Warrior

With shadow’s cast in fate’s cruel heart,
A soul still young, withering apart.
Your skin still smooth, not a wrinkle to see,
If only Cancer never took you from me.

The sickness spread fast; a disease of life,
Only giving us all mere months to suffice.
I cried as I watched your energy grow thin,
As the medicine ate you up from within.

Your long brown hair falling out on the floor,
Blue eyes dimming, vibrant no more.
Once plump red lips, now kissed too pale,
I held on so tight, your body now frail.

I prayed to God, take me instead,
Yet every morning I woke up in bed.
I was so angry, so hurt, so utterly torn,
How could you take a mother, leaving children to mourn?

I miss your smile, your laugh, your hug
My heart stopped when we pulled the plug.
You fought with such fire, such vigor, and grace,
Yet your soul flew home to God’s embrace.

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