In the high-stakes world of the critically acclaimed reality TV entrepreneur show “The Quad,” 15 competitors gather under the dazzling lights of a Tulsa, Oklahoma Casino. As the world grapples with an economic crisis, shows like this symbolize the last remnants of the American Dream and have become a lifeline for many. The competition is fierce this season, and some would say, almost deadly.
On the first day, bombshell producer and hostess Leslie “Les” Hermann announces that the daily victor will be marked by a red shirt, symbolizing “the best Company IN the Quad!” Relationships are tested, alliances are formed, and every decision is a gamble. As the first day concludes, Patricia “Promo” Jones, a sharp ex-investigative journalist turned entrepreneur, wins the honor, igniting both admiration and jealousy among her peers. As Les hands over the coveted red shirt, she throws a warning, her sparkling Latina smile glowing red, “Red also puts a target on your back. Everyone will be gunning for your spot.”
As a new day begins, some dreams have come to an end. “Promo” Jones’s lifeless body is found floating in the hot tub, her discarded red shirt a grim testament to her short-lived victory. Initially ruled as a drowning, a closer examination reveals traces of an unknown chemical compound in her bloodstream.
Each contestant arrived at the casino with dreams, secrets, ambitions, and potential reasons to kill. From the charismatic hostess to an innovative tech entrepreneur, a former beauty queen, and even a duo of hardened war veterans, all are eyed with suspicion. But alas, Les announces, “the show must go on!” and the competition intensifies. As the world watches in anticipation, the question looms: Can the truth be uncovered before another life is claimed? Or is this just one more of the twists and turns the show promised to deliver this season?
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