‘GOLDEN’ By Temitope Omamegbe

A father’s excitement about the prophecy that his firstborn would bring honor to the family turns into dismay when the child doesn’t meet his expectations. He rejects the newborn, leading to a series of unfortunate events. The child faces mistreatment, loss of his mother loses his mother, and eventually discovers a prophecy about saving the land at a great cost.

Rejected by his father and ostracized in the village, Atanda finds solace when he falls in love with, but their forbidden love faces challenges. Eventually, he is chosen to fulfill a prophecy to save the land, and Iyabo ends up with his child who in turn is prophesied to bring justice and reveal hidden secrets.

GOLDDEN explores themes of destiny, rejection, and the potential for a brighter future despite hardships. Atanda’s journey is one of resilience and acceptance, and the narrative hints at the cyclical nature of fate and destiny.

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