‘Finding Light’ By Pamela Bhatia

In January 2011, Pamela Bhatia closed her photography studio to relocate to India with her husband, two boys, and their dog. As their plane touched down at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Bhatia woke her boys and exited the flight. A new phase of their life as a family had begun, and she could feel her stomach churning with anxiety.

In a compelling memoir, Bhatia shares a candid glimpse into her vulnerable journey as she raised her boys in a third-world country, just prior to the killing of Osama bin Laden. While detailing her thoughts and unique personal experiences that tested everything she knew and believed in, Bhatia offers inspiring messages around her broken marriage, missing purpose, culture conflicts, differences in opinion of what a successful woman, wife, and mother should be, and her eventual trip back to America. Throughout her narrative, Bhatia encourages and empowers others to summon the inner strength to overcome life’s greatest challenges and create their ideal life.

Finding Light is the memoir of an award-winning internaional photographer who journeyed with her family to India and ultimately to the light that led her home.

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