‘Combat Fatigue’ By Morgan Mathews

Silence. A sound Charles Anderson was far too familiar with. He spent years in a P.O.W. camp just waiting to be rescued or the day that death would take him. He was nineteen when he was drafted into the Vietnam war. He was the all-American son that any parent would have dreamed of, but any youthful enthusiasm had now long passed. A treaty was signed that signifies America’s submission from the war, and the prisoners are rescued from their camps. But through years of vivid horror and torture, Charles Anderson would never be the same. He returns to his small town in the United States, but feels as though he never left the war. He is met with backlash from citizens as they throw both physical and metaphorical stones. He and other returning veterans are treated like murderers as the consequences of war have reverberated long after its end. Charles struggles to get back on his feet while he also fights vivid nightmares of the war and the torture he endured; leaving his mind a confusing mess.

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