‘can I invade your space’ By brandi


can I invade your space?
can I upset your peace of mind?
will you allow me to corrupt you
if I keep you as all mine?
will you show me softness
when the world only knows your strength?
can I be your secret weapon
to protect you at any length?
will you come to me and trust me
when life seems to fight against you?
will you let me help with any battles
that are thrown out to prevent you?
can I help you overcome
your insecurities and doubt?
if I show you what it means
to have a love that holds real clout?
can I hold you thru the night?
can I compromise your dreams?
will you calm me when the the nightmares creep
help me to quiet these subconscious fiends?
can I whisper in your ear
all the ways that I adore you.
will you help me learn to trust myself
til I know that I’m the best one for you?
will you teach me what I need to know
about your body, soul and mind?
will you stay up late to laugh with me?
will you always hold me when I cry?
can we play dirty in the bedroom?
can we always try to fight clean?
can we promise not to let the world
separate or come between?
can I make you laugh and be flirtatious
when the situation becomes oppressing?
will you stand and know I’ve got your back
when everything seems too depressing?
will you take me thru this life with you?
will you find me in the next?
will you keep me as all yours forever?
can you promise nothing less?

__________ ____________ _____________

I want to write a poem
on your body
with my lips

I want to paint on you
a dream
using just my finger tips

let me build for you
a fantasy
where we live up with the constellations

where we exist
and reign together
without any limitations.

let my soul entwine with yours
come move into these unfilled places
let me feel you breathe inside of me
erase the nightmares and hollow spaces

and now dance with me…
amongst these petals made of flame
caress me to my depths…
until I am breathless by your name
let me ignite you…
setting loose the sparks within your mind
but give me a sword, and hold my crown,
I’ll protect you for all time!
spin me a web of promises…
with the silk to lay our bed.
lay with me and loves on me
passion made on every thread.

let your doubt be like a wisp of smoke
for with a wave it disappears.
let my lips bring you poetry,
let my tongue catch all your tears.

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC