‘Aha Noom!’ By Shuchita Rao

This short memoir describes the journey of recovery of our 26 year old son after spending nine days in coma and ten days in rehabilitation due to a head injury caused in an unexpected road accident in Ecuador. As a young toddler who was learning to express himself through words and language, he had once surprised us while on a car ride, by looking out of the car window and spontaneously blurting out the words “Aha Noom” at the sight of a radiant, full moon in the night sky. The night before our son was to be discharged from a hospital in Quito, Ecuador, we (his parents) spontaneously pointed out a luminous full moon in the sky from the hospital room’s window. Together, with tears of happiness streaming down from our eyes, we whispered “Aha Noom!” The dark night of our lives was about to pass and soon we would be able to see the golden sun!

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