‘The Morph Chambers’ By Kayne Quinn

A young man, Jasper Orion Bigsby, lost his parents at 2 years old and was thrown around the system a while. Until a couple adopted him, gave him a good home and education at their estate and academy. Jasper finds himself breaking into a restricted area of the labs at the academy and discovers an encrypted information key. The English inscription tells him that he must unlock to know what secrets lie within. And can only unlock ionce the key and him have become one. He is baffled but intrigued. Upon unlocking the key jasper discovers a major secret about his society and its founders. And then the device did something to him that was unexpected and changed his life forever. What will he do with this information? And what will happen to him after this major change? Will he try and confront the Elders? Read The Morph Chambers to follow Jaspers journey through the year 4020 where the world as we know it is gone.

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC