‘Ted is Dead’ By Kieran Barton

The world is fast on track to the Apocalypse, and apparently only Ted can stop it. The big issue is that he’s dead.
Death, one of the four Horseman of the Apocalypse, is overworked and running late. He makes a deal with Ted to lighten to the load, along with another hidden agenda. After being revived, Ted Bates learns that one of the other three Horseman have altered the timeline, with parts of history subtly changed so that it all leads up to the start of World War III. While attempting to come to grips with his newly found immortality and life-draining powers, Ted tried to balance satisfying his ridiculously demanding mother and stay friends with his university crush, Vicky. He learns of anomalies; objects, concepts and people created in order to steer the timeline back on track if something goes wrong, and even meets quite a few of them. This includes the non-binary theatre director Jean whose strange plays have never been fully understood, to the new Queen of England.

The novel deals with the concepts of mortality and rebirth, with themes of self-realisation, dealing with death and the relatable topic of never fitting in or being noticed. Comedic in nature, using classic British wit and sarcasm, it will appeal widely to young adult fans of fantasy set in the modern world

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC