‘Star Freezer’ By Gregory Garcia

Advanced aliens have a star freezing device. They freeze stars to form ringed planets like Saturn. The alien device was ejected out of the star they left it in and the aliens lost their device. It came through our solar system in the distant past landing on earth. The device stayed latent for thousands of years near Matelot Bay, in Trindad; a Caribbean island. The device appears as an iceberg floating in Matelot Bay for those special people who have seen it. It has a holographic nature and contains advanced information. It captures persons from time to time. One person captured wants to use the power of the iceberg to build a transhumanist world where he is world ruler. Another person captured is Sherlyn tries to talk to her father telepathically to come and free her from the iceberg. Now that the alien device has triggered the naturally hot tropical village of Matelot is cooling rapidly. People have emptied the village but two people have found out about the device and stayed because they believe they could stop it. There is also a cult who knows about the iceberg and worships it as their god. If the device is not stopped all life on the earth will freeze.

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