‘Spiritual Things You Need To Know Before You Die’ By Art Saguinsin

It is explicitly and literally titled that all will die in their right time but before anything else, have you ask yourself where are you going after death? That’s a great question one should ask himself about spirituality after making a long journey on earth. Definitely, there is life after death and as we live on earth we should once in an entire life also prepare ourselves for our destiny beyond this earthly journey.
Heaven and Hell are real and we should be informed about what to do before our journey on earth ends up in an unpredictable time. There are a number of vital topics to be tackled in this book such as a question of the origin of the bible and the true religion which are answered with particularity in the first chapter. The most delicate and complicated topic that is explained in chapter 3 is the distinction of the Creators which has been a controversial issue in an occasional bible discussion when believers would bring out a question of Oneness, hence, this book explains it well with testimonial verses from the bible.
Chapters 5 & 6 explains the doctrinal issues concerning body parts that incite believers to continuously sin that implicate in the same way the danger of speaking in tongues that is still practiced by modern-day religious groups.

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