‘Past Unknown’ By Scarlet Rivers

Anika Novak, formerly known as angel fought hard to be free from a life of prostitution. Working in a grimy cafe fir little reward was a welcomed change. Just when things couldn’t get any worse for her they do. With her boyfriend in prison for a crime he didn’t commit she is forced to make ends meet alone. All seems lost until a mysterious women enters her life. She gets a new job and her lovers freedom but doesn’t know who to thank. The harder she tries to find the truth, the less appealing knowing where she came from seems. With her family in danger she has to make a hard choice, let’s hope she gets to live in order to regret it. Whether she likes it or not her past is determined to catch up with her. In fighting to become something she’s not to save those she cares deeply for, she soon discovers her hidden strength. Despite all she’s been through there is still a pure goodness that no evil can destroy. Working together with her mysterious uninvited guest who has walk into her life they bring down a vindictive crime lord. A hidden family treasure which had been a curse over their lives now can now give her family a life they could never even dream of.

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC