‘My last seconds for you’ By Luna Heart

The protagonist of this book is a young university student, who spent almost his entire life in a mental hospital, the reason is simple, he can see the dates of death when he looks at people, it is not like he can see the accurate dates, well more like a day or a month, a years maybe, but that is all, only one of them. Untill he meets a girl who has the same power like him, but they both can see their accurate death dates, which are completely the same, showing that they are soulmates, so they need to choose, will they spend their short lives together or will they seperate and will go as far away as possible from each other to live a long, but at the same time useless and with no happyness life. The protagonist need to choose, what is more important to them, love or life, or will one of them will take away his life, that other could live? Giving the other freedom of living without fear and giving his or her last breath for the only one that they love.

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC