‘Journey’ By Lillian Hunt

Exactly you are only human. Humans make mistakes.

The earth is breaking! Many people leave on Generation ships including Lorelei Jameson and Elijah’s ancestors. Each from different ships that arrived at different times to the same place. The closest habitable planet Cambaar in the Allura star system. Many secrets come uncovered and the paradise they once thought Cambaar was unravels.

Along the way Elijah and Lorelei face death and tragedy. Each of them stripped of their layers until only their truest being is left. Secrets revealed and secrets kept. Dangers lurk behind shadows. When tragedy strikes and causes the two completely different colonies to join together all of their lives take a turn no one expected. A turn unexpected and unprepared.

Journey is going to be the first book in a trilogy. Look out for Ascension (book two) and Departure (book three)

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC