‘Healed’ By Sylvia van der Meer

Somchai is overwhelmed with jealousy, and feels anxious with the unexpected arrival of Matt’s ex, Dani. Insecurity hits him hard in the face, when he’s confronted with this stunning beauty. Being Thai means he has to maintain a straight face and not show any weakness. Losing your composure means losing your face. He burries himself in work to keep distracted from his problems, whilst pushing away his growing anxiety.
Matt doesn’t want to hear what Dani has to say. He keeps telling Dani to give up, and to go back home to the UK. Matt wants to prove to Somchai that he’s the one for him, but Somchai keeps cancelling their dates due to work. Matt suspects something’s off and begs Somchai to talk to him. But Somchai won’t budge. His fear that Somchai might have an affair with his new assistent, takes a hold of him.
All emotions seem to peak at the engagement ceremony of Somchai’s little brother, Sunti, and his fiancé Achara.
Both parties try not to ruin the ceremony. Matt keeps confronting Somchai, whilst Somchai tries his hardest to not lose face, especially not in front of his family. Nevertheless all their good intentions, both in their own way, the situation is bound to erupt. They throw all cards on the table and learn that communication and trust will save their relationship.

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