‘From The Ruins’ By Ronnie Lee Graham

Ryan Cole’s life has taken a turn for the worse. His truck is wrecked and so is his marriage. In his hospital bed, he learns that his brother, Wes, has disappeared, leaving his truck and an overflowing mailbox behind. Hoping to borrow the truck, Ryan sets off to Wes’ trailer. There, he finds an expensive SUV and a beautiful blonde. Wes is nowhere to be seen, and his trailer, decorated with maps of foreign lands, has been ransacked. Judy, the blonde, explains that she knows Wes, has been answering his questions about the legendary golden city of Ophir, and is worried about his safety. “There are lots of people who would stop at nothing to find Ophir. If they believed Wes was on to something, his life would be in danger.” A search of the trailer gives few clues; a missing satellite image of Eritrea, tracks where a motorcycle left quickly, and a letter from Wes’ former prison mate, Kante N’Bota. Ryan learns just how right Judy’s warning was when he is kidnapped and smuggled into Africa.

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