‘APEX PREDATORS’ By Anthony Karrier

Apex Predators Synopses.

Raised in the boarder city of Windsor Ontario by an abusive cop for a father, Mike spends his youth training as a boxer with his dad, Ed, as his coach. Mike’s dad is a bitter, angry man that only gives Mike positive reinforcement when he hurts someone in the ring, on the football field, or just because he can.

At 17 Mike is making a good name as an amateur boxer, and has a beautiful young girlfriend named Tamika. Ed can’t stand the fact that Tamika’s older brother trains with a rival boxing club, and his distain for her is compounded by the fact that the young girl is biracial. When Mike is attacked and swarmed on the street by a group of boys, Ed’s hatred towards Tamika comes out in full force, causing a rift between himself and his son. When Mike decides to go live with Nick, his uncle on his mom’s side, Ed attacks Mike, leaving him a bloody mess.

Mike begins to rebuild his life and finally finds happiness under his uncle’s guidance, but a when reckless driver kills Tamika while she’s on the back of Mike’s motorcycle, the young man’s world is broken. After 19 months of waiting for justice that doesn’t come from the courts, Mike is shattered beyond repair.

Shortly thereafter, Mike has a chance encounter with one of the boys that jumped him tw

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