‘About Not Losing’ By James Ogsbury

The book is about the experience of being a medical defendant in a high-stakes malpractice trial, actually written during the trial (something that has never been done before). I was the neurosurgical attending for a patient who underwent a procedure by others that I did not wished to be done from which she had a terrible complication. A lawsuit was filed by her Native American husband and the famous Native American attorney, Gerry Spence. My attorney suggested that I write about the experience of being involved in such an endeavor. The writing took place throughout the trial, and, because the lead defense attorney and trial psychologist both keep diaries,, the manuscript was written by three intertwined voices. The trial came to an abrupt end with a small settlement to an Indian tribe, which led to an unsatisfactory ending from a literary point of view. Therefore the manuscript was not published. However subsequently, I had a recurrent dream about completing the case and, with the help of a litigator attorney and the trial psychologist who was still in practice, there is now a dream sequence which adds a whole new perspective to the end of the story. My question is whether this Situation with death threats, attorney intimidation, etc would be be appropriate for publishing

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