The Business of Wellness: A Book to Help You Thrive in the Wellness Industry

Something Or Other Publishing is proud to announce the forthcoming release of The Business of Wellness, a guidebook by Sebastian Hilbert designed to provide you with the essential insights and strategies to excel in the wellness industry. 

Hilbert is the Co-Founder of Wellnesspreneur and a leading authority in coaching entrepreneurs to grow their businesses with purpose and meaning. He supports wellness professionals and holistic practitioners to communicate their transformational value to attract ideal clients, convert their prospects with simplified systems, and produce massive reach to a global audience to grow their influence, impact, and income.

His debut book invites readers to go on an inner and outer experience to overcome the fear of expressing one’s authentic self, demonstrating how his journey can be used as guidance for growing wellness businesses genuinely. Hilbert takes you through a step-by-step process where he encourages fellow wellness entrepreneurs to focus on what they genuinely love doing, rediscover their passion, and achieve their goals while making a positive difference in the world.

SOOP interviewed Sebastian to learn more about his enriching journey. 

SOOP: Can you describe your approach to writing? How did you get started?

Sebastian: One of the best pieces of advice I received in my early book-writing adventure was to break down what I wanted to write about into small sections. It’s easy to get overwhelmed because there is so much you want to say, and it’s all floating around in your head chaotically. Either too many synapses are firing at the same time or too few or none. In any case, it would put me in a state of inaction.

As with so many other things in life, you can focus on getting specific when you break things down into small pieces. In the same way, you might unravel a big goal, like writing a 60,000-word manuscript, into actionable milestones. First, I defined the core message of my book and then wrote down several main steps or categories that were most important for that message. Then I looked at each type and established as many relevant subcategories as possible. In the end, I optimized time by writing at least a thousand words for 40 subcategories, which was much more manageable and comprehensible than writing 60,000 words front to back.

Set yourself up to write a thousand words each day and write the first draft of your manuscript in less than two months, with a few days off. Anyone who has written before will agree that writing a thousand words is achievable if you have a specific topic and the required knowledge. If you write a nonfiction book, this approach could catapult you into action within no time. Carefully define the core message of your book and then break it down into 30–40 subtopics, so you can focus on writing on specific topics rather than trying to organize your haystack of thoughts randomly. 

SOOP: What inspired you to write the Business of Wellness?

Sebastian: I first wanted to write a book simply because I wanted to promote my coaching business, Wellnesspreneur. I wanted to be an author to gain credibility and get more clients. I know many who have solely written a book with that focus. There is value in that, but as I talked to my mentors and friends about my book and why I wanted to write it, I realized that that reason might not be the best path for me. After the first draft of my manuscript, I let go of needing to publish quickly and instead decided to reflect on what I had written with a new perspective. I decided to leave a timeless piece that could make me proud. 

I critically reviewed my words, rewrote whole chapters, and added new ones. This process got me into a suitable space to write something I can fully stand behind and be proud to share with the world.

SOOP: What was the most challenging part of writing the book?

Sebastian: The hardest part was to believe in me and that what I was writing was worth sharing. It is interesting how we perceive ourselves compared to how others see us. Everyone around me encouraged me and told me how impressed they were that I was writing a book in my second language. Ironically, that, combined with my lack of self-worth at times, was the perfect cocktail to doubt myself and the book.

It’s a constant fight. I have to consistently keep up my confidence and conviction that what I say is worth sharing because it can help others. That’s what it is all about for me—to give those who need access to my story, experience, and knowledge, so they can avoid the mistakes I made and become more successful on their own path.

SOOP: How do you incorporate feedback into your work?

Sebastian: I constantly seek feedback from others. In the end, it’s not about me. If I genuinely want to write to help others, I need to seek the opinion and needs of those I want to help. That’s the key, not only to my audience’s success but also to mine. I could have done more because I only truly understood this towards the end of my book-writing adventure.

SOOP: Who is your target reader?

Sebastian: My book can best help holistic practitioners, wellness professionals, and conscious business owners looking for a comprehensive and easy-to-understand road map for their business growth. 

It’s not a steam train approach to business growth where it’s just about making money. Instead, the book’s content is rooted in my life’s journey seeking purpose and my true self. Running your own business can be a challenging but compelling way to personal growth and discovering your inner self. So, if you want to start a business or take your current one to the next level, my book can show you how to do this from a place of authentic truth and purpose.

SOOP: What genres do you personally like to read?

Sebastian: Books I can’t put down are fantasy books like The Lord of the Rings. I inhale them to the point where I spend every spare second of my day reading…sometimes seconds or hours I shouldn’t spare. There is something about immersing myself into a world of honor, dedication, and underdogs becoming heroes by overcoming great peril in a world full of fantastic creatures and adventures. When I buy a fantasy book, I have a rule: It needs to be a series of at least three books, and all of the books need to be published already. Otherwise, it’s over too soon. I made a mistake once where I missed that only the first book was published, and it was torture to wait a whole year for the next one to come out. I told myself not to buy it right away because it would be expansive and too quick of a read, but that lasted for only a week. Then, of course, this repeated itself for the third book.

To balance myself, I read self-help and business books daily. My favorites are Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and Ikigai – The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles.

SOOP: What is your favorite under-appreciated novel?

Sebastian: My favorite under-appreciated novel is 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson. It’s a bit slow at times, but I have never read such a well thought-through sci-fi novel that spins our society’s social tendencies and technological advancements so realistically and intriguingly forward into the future. Good sci-fi is hard to find, and this one is an exciting take on the social change around gender and how we as a society might live together in a couple of hundred years. I found it fascinating!

SOOP: Do you have any other projects in the works?

Sebastian: Besides my book The Business of Wellness, there are many projects that I am working on right now. One is an online course I want to offer to those who want to learn more after reading the book. There will be people looking for the next step and the course will help them implement what they have read. It would be a disservice not to provide this next step.

Another exciting project is a tourism startup that I started in early 2022 which is scheduled to be fully operational by December 2024. It’s called Kokoon Retreats and will be the world’s first international self-retreat company. The vision of Kokoon Retreats is to provide a customized and affordable nature-enriched retreat experience for people to make meaningful changes on their life’s journey. We will have a network of exclusive and stunning nature escape accommodations around the globe. People will rejuvenate by choosing from a menu of exercises and mindful practices during their stay. It ties beautifully into Wellnesspreneur and my book because we are getting holistic practitioners and wellness professionals to record their expertise, like yoga sessions, breath work, movement medicine, and deep listening and healing experiences. It’s my way to “spread the word” for exceptional practitioners and experts I have worked with so more people can experience new possibilities for a happier, harmonious, and sustainable life.

‘Kokooning’ is a self-retreat experience. So instead of going on big group retreats, you go alone or with a friend or partner to a remote ‘Kokoon’ and run through a self-guided program over 3-5 days, depending on your chosen program…a bit like AirBnB for the fast-growing self-development and retreat business industry. We combine the trend of glamping and nature-based ecotourism with the massive retreat and wellness industry. 

You can learn more at

SOOP: What do you hope readers take away from your story?

Sebastian: I hope that many readers understand the importance of courage in life and business. It requires courage to start and grow a business and face your own fears and limiting beliefs. To find a holistic path to joy and fulfillment, we must constantly bounce back and forth between our ‘inner and outer game,’ as I called it in my book. Your business will never outgrow you, and everybody needs to decide how they want to play the game. 

As we find the courage to start a new adventure like a business, writing a book, or even things like starting a family, we will need to expand, learn and make decisions all the time. We can ignore our inner game by not caring for ourselves and focusing only on external actions and results. That never ends well. Eventually, the sacrifice will manifest into depression, physical illness, or losing the people we love. But if we focus on all aspects of our life, including family and friends, our physical and mental health, our finances, our community, our home, and our inner state of being, we can find joy in the moment and the courage to live boldly. And with some luck, we can even experience a sense of fulfillment from now to the end of our beautiful life on this amazingly abundant and wondrous planet we call home.

SOOP: Can you share something about the book that isn’t in the blurb?

Sebastian: My book is a blend of autobiography, self-help, and business advice. I draw on my experience from growing up in a tiny village in Germany to running my business on the other side of the world in a different language. This pathway has been and still is hugely rewarding, but it also requires me to make difficult decisions and dig deep into what my heart truly wants. I can’t tell if I always followed my heart, but I wouldn’t be the person I am today with the love of my life beside me if I had listened to others and taken the conventional path. 

We need more people breaking the norm and listening to what inspires them rather than just fulfilling the expectations because it’s safe. The world is coming to a tipping point socially, economically, and environmentally and doing things the way we always have will not create the change humanity desperately needs. 

We all have doubts and always have two voices inside of us. One says you can’t, and you are not good enough, this is not for you, and the other knows we are all meant for more, that we can do what we love, and have fulfillment and joy in our lives.

 Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are definitely right. – Henry Ford.

SOOP: What is your advice for aspiring authors?

Sebastian: My advice for aspiring authors is: Don’t hesitate! And if you decide to write a book: Give it everything you’ve got! Find the true message you want to share with the world and gather all your courage to write boldly and unapologetically. 


The Business of Wellness is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and SOOP.

Start your transformational journey today!

LinkedIn: Sebastian Hilbert

Facebook: Wellnesspreneur



  1. Barbara Kamali says:

    Where is the book on wellness I ordered? Tired of getting e-mails about e-book when I want the actual book. I don’t want an e-book.

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