‘When Shadows Collect…’ by Ian Brash

At this something, whatever it was; pushed the bookshelves over, they struck one another domino effect in our direction. I slammed the book shut, pocketing it. We ran to the nearest emergency exit.

I can’t lie, at this point it had me wondering, what exactly does happen “When Shadows Collect…” and what do they collect…

Chapter 2

James shields himself in vane from the brisk howling torment of wind; bringing with it on its razor sharp edge; the burn of winter’s cold, and the loneliness felt therein. It chipped away and howled the way he felt, taking with it small pieces of himself and every bit of warmth he struggled to rescue from the cruel wind; and many at that. James walks his dog on the night of a full moon. He feels as though he is being watched, the eerie feeling unnerving, the hairs on the back of his neck rise. The dog; Indiana seems agitated. Indiana begins barking; and snarling incessantly. Indiana seems to be picking up a scent, the dark woods seem alive, and the shadows themselves creep across the bark of the trees. As the trees creak in the wind.

James peers searchingly into the dark wood, seeing movement everywhere and nowhere. A tall dark figure nearly indistinguishable from the wood itself; darting through the wood with unimaginable speed, Indiana snarls, barking again; renewed. James loses sight of it. The stench of rot and decay; the fetid smell rises in repulsive olfactory (word here figure it out). James stares into the ominous forest expecting the devil Itself to make an appearance.

A thin gauntly rabbit runs across the path. Indiana reacts, immediately yanking the leash from James firm grasp.  Indiana soon is lost consumed by the darkness that is the woods.

A bark, a snarl, whimpering, a howl, raspy breathing.

When Shadows Collect
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The foliage shakes violently; something slashes across the green in contrast.

It couldn’t be.


James with races to save Indiana, futility. He grasps the leash still trailing from the brush and ferns. He takes a deep breath pulling the leash towards him. It’s all wrong. The weight, the resistance…cliffs hang.

Chapter 6.667

Don’t Read it!  LEAVE!  You’ve made a grave mistake.  Its in the room with you now.  Are you ready to see it?  Reach out and tempt Fate.  Warning!  This book is a evidence item in numerous inactive law enforcement cases. This copy was obtained F.O.I.P.A. #667-20312 It should be noted that the cases linked with this evidence item #20312-1(a) is related to numerous investigation currently classified inactive due to insufficient evidence and/or lack of witness testimony. The cases involved are violent crimes and per statute 23012667-6634(a,b) must be listed in F.O.I.P.A request response. These cases involve missing persons, violent crimes/mutilations, and unsolved/unexplained homicide investigations related to this text.There are rules. Never break the rules…you may not live to regret it. It should only be read at night. Never skip a chapter, whatever you do for god’s sake don’t read the thirteenth chapter withour reading the previous chapters. Never read it on the night of a full moon. Whenever the book is open You are in DANGER! Its in the room with you now.  It knows you know..when it knows, well lets just say you won’t have long…It’s ready to see you…Its been waiting for you…You can hear it breathing sick raspy breathes. I don’t know what it is or where it came from…It Knows You Know. You ever feel like you’re being watched, even when you’re alone? You’re not wrong.  You’re not alone. You have an unwelcome guest…



Something or Other Publishing, LLC