‘The Hotel of Absurdity ‘ By tomovjunior

On that strange morning, it suddenly got dark and I realized that evening had come. I got up from the chair and left the house. I had finally decided to go visit the Hotel of Absurdity. Everybody can visit it just once in his short lifetime, but nobody can ever forget it. That is where the real shadows of things roam about…
As I wondered whether to walk there or take a cab, I found myself already standing in front of the Hotel of Absurdity. It was located on a perfectly ordinary street in the center of the city. It was rather small and looked like some kind of a weirdly shaped house. There was nobody around. I walked in through the glass door and the bellboy greeted me with a strange gesture. I looked around. Red carpets, white walls, a dull yellow light. The place reminded me of somebody else’s childhood that wasn’t quite over…

“Will you be needing a room, or do you just want to walk around?” the bellboy asked me.

“I’d like to walk around, if you’d accompany me,” I answered.

“That’s my job,” he said and the two of us headed up the stairs. Suddenly, I heard a faraway voice through the wall.

“Please, I need somebody to talk to! Can you hear me?”

“Who is that?” I asked and put my ear against the wall.

“It’s the man who got stuck in the elevator,” the bellboy answered.

“How long has he been in there?” I asked.

“About 150 years…”

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