Royal Falcon Workshop – Consort Ye Freely

The Goal

Royal Falcon Press is an imprint specifically for works of a religious and spiritual nature. The imprint does not favor any one religious view or perspective over any others, but welcomes contributions across a broad spectrum.

Our “Consort Ye Freely” Workshop features Baha’i authors, and is specifically designed to assist Baha’i communities to grow in their ability to consort freely with the followers of all religions by empowering Baha’is to engage with members of other religious communities in a spirit of  belonging to one common faith.  Accordingly, our workshops focus on areas of common interest, and various approaches and methods that can be used to attract the hearts of these fellow believers, in such a way that occasions may arise in which the friends may share principles of the Baha’i Faith. Our focus is this recent admonition from the Universal House of Justice, in its letter, on the occasion of the Day of the Covenant, dated Nov. 25, 2020, to the Baha’is of the world.

“But, whether through deeds or words, the merit of your every contribution to social well-being lies, first, in your resolute commitment to discover that precious point of unity where contrasting perspectives overlap and around which contending peoples can coalesce.”

In further pursuit of this goal, we encourage encourage the launch of Bible Study Circles, in which Baha’is can invite seekers, Christian friends and others in their neighborhoods to meet and study the Word of God, to assist us to accomplish Abdu’l Baha’s admonition to Baha’is to know the Bible as the Word of God.

Sign up for Saturday, March 6th 10 to 2 PM EST (NYC)

The Format

Our workshops are currently held on Zoom, and are free to all attendees. The next workshop  is scheduled for Saturday, March 6th, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time, and is open to registration using this LINK.  This workshop features three Baha’i authors, each with a unique perspective, as represented by the biographical overviews below. We look forward to meeting with you soon.

The Workshop Instructors

Jay Tyson

Jay Tyson has delved into the world’s great religious traditions, with a particular interest in how Biblical prophecy points the way to how a world-embracing spiritual event in the mid-19th Century continues to shape our current time and humanity’s ultimate destiny. 

He is the author of the two-volume novel Wise Men of the West, which was inspired by the American Christian Adventist movement of the 1830s and 40s, and explores this amazing event and its profound implications through the lens of historical fiction. With rich detail and an engaging storyline, the story guides readers through the main characters’ physical and spiritual quest, which mirrors our own questions and desire for Heavenly knowledge today. Here is a LINK to see Jay present, beginning at minute 28. 

Jay grew up outside of Detroit, Michigan and graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1976. Shortly thereafter he married Eileen Cregge. They spent four years in Liberia, West Africa, where Jay worked on road construction projects. They settled in Haifa, Israel, for seven years, where he assisted with historic restoration at the Baha’i World Center. They returned to New Jersey in 1989, where they raised two daughters and Jay continued his career in engineering. Raised in a Presbyterian household, Jay wondered why God had sent Messengers on a regular basis from the time of Noah to the time of Jesus but seemed to have fallen silent for the past 2,000 years.

In addition to his research and writing, Jay is an active proponent of recognizing the commonalities across religious traditions in his local community.

Jay’s quest for spiritual knowledge and insight continues, and he invites you to join him as we discover how humanity can continue moving toward universal redemption. 

Eileen Maddocks

Describing herself as a “curious student,” Eileen Maddocks has spent a lifetime on a path of learning and discovery regarding humankind’s spiritual evolution. Her journey was inspired by her mother, who was brought up in the Millerite tradition in the Advent Christian Church. Eileen spent 16 years as a researcher and writer at the Baha’i World Centre in Haifa, Israel. 

Eileen’s first book, 1844: Convergence in Prophecy for Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the Bahá’í Faith, explores the common thread of prophecy running through these four Abrahamic religions. She recently published the first book of her three-volume Coming of the Glory series, which traces the evolution of humans’ relationship with their Creator and the thread of prophecy, from the ancient pre-Abrahamic religions through to the revered line of Hebrew prophets. In this work, she demonstrates how the Hebrew prophets in particular opened doors of wisdom, with effects that resound to this day, and will continue to influence human hopes and endeavors on a global scale moving forward.  You can view a presentation on this subject matter HERE.

Eileen was born and raised in Maine. She earned her bachelor’s degree in liberal arts before marrying and having two children. She soon became a single parent, and worked as a secretary and sales representative as she raised her children. After her return from Israel and upon retirement from sales, she settled in Vermont, where she continues to work as a writer and editor. 

Eileen now invites you to continue exploring the mysteries and wonderful discoveries our deep religious traditions have to offer. 

Wade Fransson

Wade Fransson’s life journey has taken him all over the world, and provided him with compelling philosophical and spiritual insights. 

After a troubled childhood involving divorce, domestic kidnapping, and an international custody battle, Wade joined, and later became a minister in the Worldwide Church of God. He shared this in his stirring autobiographical story across the volumes The People of the Sign and The Hardness of the Heart. After his first Baha’i Pilgrimage in 2010, Wade decided to found a publishing company, which he did in 2012. On a 2014 trip to India to receive a lifetime achievement award, as a keynote speaker at a series of conferences in Chennai, inaugurated by the governor of Tamil Nadu, Wade gained in prayer the answer to a biblical question that preoccupied him. This prompted the mind-expanding and satisfying conclusions to his Trilogy, in the third volume – The Rod of Iron

Along the way, Wade has also pursued teaching at the elementary school level, earned an MBA and held significant roles in noteworthy companies. He also established a successful  business services company and later co-founded the Internet Startup, before founding Something Or Other Publishing with its Royal Falcon Imprint. Wade currently lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with his wife and their two children. 

Wade continues to pursue his deep interest in how biblical principles and prophecy can shed light on society’s challenges and further development, as well as sharing his desire for humanity to discover and follow true religion. 

Sign up for Saturday, March 6th 10 to 2 PM EST (NYC)



Something or Other Publishing, LLC