‘Warzone’ By L.D. Nightledge

“One day we’ll walk the streets . Say hello to all that we see , and buy flowers like we used to when were little.”
“But when? ”
“When fire stops raining from the sky.”

The kingdom of Syrus has been plunged into a merciless war , Because of the greed of it’s king . Everybody fled the kingdom but a few were left behind to die . Children are left orphans , and bombs fall out the sky destroying all that is near .

Zoe : a girl betrayed by her parents. Left all alone to rot in Syrus . Till she meets Pallyn , the gypsy who saves her from her misery, and introduces her to her band of misfits.

Tom : son of Pallyn used to destruction and poverty . But behind his vibrant green eyes lies a hate so vile towards the king who started this war and refused to let them leave because his mother was a gypsy .

Join Zoe , Tom , Pallyn and Ben, in their struggle for survival with the other forgotten people left in Syrus . Friendship, Fear ,Loyalty, Betrayal and sacrifice all play together to ensure the fate of those left in the warzone .

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