In this succinct story, we explore an uncanny love: a lake falls for a boy.
On a day so beautiful, a boy goes to a lake to cool and rest himself. There, the lake sees him and, instantly, inexplicably, falls in love.
It turns out to be a one sided relationship, for nature cannot communicate with men, but the lake is okay with the predicament. Love triumphs.
The boy visits the lake each day, religiously. And the lake grows fonder of him, understanding him, over time. She falls deeper and deeper with all his traits.
But then one day, the boy, abruptly, stops coming to her banks. The days of his absence pile up, plunging the lake in to heart-brokenness and despair. She craves his return! Yet, when her wish comes true and he returns at last, he has changed in a dire way. And he goes on to break her heart only further – the boy has come to the lake to commit suicide.
Though it be short, this tale tells of the human condition in a most profound way. Though the main character be a lake, any human will relate to her pain. In these poetic prose and metaphors, I hope to remind us of our connection to greater things which we cannot even understand, and to never let the loneliness win.
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