‘Can I Sue My Parents For Birthing Me Without Consent ‘ By Vanessa Wambui

When life’s absurdity unfurls, it crashes the very essence of who we thought we are. The foundations we lived by in our childhood shatter and reality cripples us, leaving our dreams and our prior learnt motivation (often famous quotes) an illusion. Anger and confusion submerge our reflections and the first light through our window turns us into maniacs. I find myself at this point in my life where everything I learnt and thought that prepared me for life, no longer comforts me and the walls are closing in every day. I find myself unable to conquer my darker side as I did before with every rising sun. I find me stuck in loops of what I thought my life would be at this age and chapter. I constantly find myself waiting for night’s merciful darkness, unlike that cruel light of day that mocks me. I am drowning in the routine bareness of my existence. Sometimes I know exactly what I should do to face this new reality. At others, I don’t care, I rather hide. My reality is far from the utopia I had thought I would champion and I am bruised and damaged by my fallen fantasies of art, beauty, dreams, fairness, justice, freedom, love, truth, and poetry, that I chased in my naive youth to a crippling quick end. Has my horizon reached, I wonder? Have I spoiled before I sprouted? Is this the beginning, middle or end of my life’s book?

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