Very often we run from the places where hurt, confusion, doubt, and brokenness prevailed. We don’t understand how any of the things we went through can make us better, grow, develop, or change. We question why me? It’s not fair is our reply to the damaged places we have walked through, experienced, or even live in now. There is help for the weary, displaced, hopeless. Jesus is His name. Now a days it’s not popular to talk about believing in someone unseen. Far to long I have felt trapped defeated wandering in the wilderness of my life. Until Jesus came and rescued me. I learned there is no place that you can go where a lesson is not learned. The desire to have it all together, is far greater than learning that pain is a tool to grow you up. How will you know how to pray, stand, or even fight, you must decide that no matter your condition, you will arise above this place. Pain will cause you to seek Jesus to call on His name, to seek an answer, that you nor I can come up with alone. He will cause your eyes to be opened on another level. To see in dark places, that there is light that will dispel the darkness, the damaged places. There is an enemy that wants to keep us bound, afraid, hurt, non believing, non trusting. We say this is hard, uncomfortable, if you’re real make it go away, make it work in my favor, bless me, then I can believe. Jesus took your sins away, and the darkness to. However He allows things to come to transform your weakness into strength, your sadness into joy, your confusion into peace. There is a way that seems right to a man, but leads to death. We can’t know what God wants until we obey His command. How can we become better without a battle? We can’t. We grow, we develop in the dark hours of our lives, just like a picture in a dark room. It’s the will of the Father for us to be a better version of us, sustaining power and strength when everything else comes to disturb it. You/I have to face the things that we say daily, we will not make it if we dont Confront them, and cause them to bend to God’s will. We can’t get ahead of God needing His help without obeying and surrender to Him. You have to choose to do His will. The decision to be right, to do right is ours. Do you pray? It is our communication with God, daily, not just in the time of trouble. Do you fast? Turning down your plate to hunger and thirst after God’s word? These are the tools that helps us defeat that which came to kill us. Each day we are called to renew our minds.Taking back what the enemy stole. We must apply God’s wisdom to our circumstances. We must meditate on His word. In order to make life fit the better version of us, we must be sure not to live a life filled with regret.Did you know that your thoughts create your life?. Don’t be angry about your past, overwhelmed with where your are now. It’s all working for your good. All of your victories are first won in your mind. Jesus came to show us how to overcome the world we live in.You won’t ever be the same when you choose not to remain in the valley. We aren’t alone, this battle is not ours but the Lord’s. I pray that on your way to a better, more productive, more stable version of you, it is obtainable if you just believe. I pray you exceed your own thoughts of where you should be, congratulations in advance in becoming a better version of you.
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