Synopsis: Who’s Peter Leopold
Travis Leopold is a young actor who decides to create a character called Freddy Dodge. He and his acting friends, with their respective personas, descend onto the town of Misty Glen. The town was previously kept under the watchful eye of mobster Peter Leopold and corruption runs deep. Through what they call “Fact Acting,” they become the characters they created and live and act the real life of the underworld, all in search of writing the perfect screenplay. It is not until the end of the book that the reader realizes that what they just read was the screenplay.
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- 50 Votes: Production self-help guide
- 100 Votes: Platform self-help guide
- 150 Votes: Promotion self-help guide
- 200 Votes: Author Assessment
- 300 Votes: Social Media Strategy
- 400 Votes: Writing Assessment
- 500 Votes: Guest Blog Spot
- 700 Votes: Fan Club Email Blast
- 900 Votes: Manuscript Assessment
- 1,000 Votes: Publishing Contract offer
- 1,500 Votes: Galley Version
- 2,000 Votes: Publication