Every letter has a piece of me in it. Although the letters are not based on actual people, i believe many people will be able to relate to them. So many soldiers have died, yet significant others,children,parents/siblings/close friends/people who were too scared to enlist/ and our retired veterans,who understand what war actually looks like. Pain that was stuffed down so deep that no one would know thw pain,suffering/horrors that cant be unseen,’and the soldiers that have no idea what lies ahead. This book is simply a collection of letters. Some letters have dialogue, letters back and forth and the opposing feelings of pain. Some are letters written after the loss of a soldier, a way to have closure on all the things they wish they had said. Some are a continuous generatins of soldiers, and the pressure to continue the legacy. Other letters are anonymous. A generalized letter to those who had no family, or soldiers never found, or prisoners of war. To put it simply, these letters are a way to give anyone and everyone a voice. Pain is pain, and no person can say some is worse than others. Years from now this war will be taught, and when the last is gone the next generation will only have stories of stories that a history book could not grasp the reality of. This is reality.
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