‘They Came From Afar’ By Mike Fuller

In a small southern town called Elderwhindge of Hollander County, the sheriff’s office received some reports of extra-terrestrial sightings. Initially the reports came from an unreliable local, named Bobby-Ray who claimed to know a space princess, and were disregarded for the source. However, after being contacted from an obscure federal government office, interest in the odd claim was regenerated. The investigation soon discovered unexpected results for the sleepy southern town, and things were not what they seem nor people who they claimed. The federal investigators were never federal but common investigators of pseudo-science. With a concerned religious group also investigating, the sheriff, Edmond Strayer, discovered the lack of validity of a space princess. Learning the true identity of the space princess and having her incarcerated lead to a court hearing resulting in a parent’s stern reaction to the claim. As interest waned in the little town’s story of UFOs, people concluded back to their lives. Tragedy and deceit in its history was just its history. The place from afar was never very far away.

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