‘There’s a Storm Coming: The Autistic Boy Who Could’ By Asper Spark

The memoirs of a brilliant man with undiagnosed autism and his journey to practice medicine against insurmountable odds and of one woman who believed he could change the world and sacrificed everything to let him try.

He overcame neglect, molestation, “schizophrenia”, a $400,000 bill from the government, failed response to 40 medications, 10 hospitalizations and false criminal charges to finally recognize his own diagnosis: autism spectrum disorder.

For 30 years he was labeled disruptive, rebellious and maladjusted. Enemies outnumbered friends ten to one as his greatest fear was silence in the face of even the smallest misconduct.

A modern day epic, their story details transcendence of the religion that brought them together before tearing them apart, renovation of a 110 year old home without any prior experience, the crushing loss of a child, police brutality, medical malpractice and a triumphant return to the practice of medicine.

Armed with his wife’s love and logic, paradoxical sarcasm, a unique perspective on psychiatry and a reckless disregard for convention, he discovered 10 undiagnosed aspies desperately seeking someone finally willing to see beyond screening questionnaires and the DSM-5.

He feared his own shadow, but fearlessly changed the world.

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC