‘The Kill Shot’ By Julia Colbourn

Liked at #PitMad 5 Sep
The Kill Shot is about a Narcissist, and his manipulation of events when Wendy, his ex, develops a new love interest. It is a story of gentle people at the mercy of destructive ones.
The setting is a squash club, where competition abounds and people are thrown together in the leagues.
Cheryl, immature and self-absorbed, introduces her widowed brother to Wendy, hoping romance will be in the air. Instead she galvanises Wendy’s narcissistic ex Miles into action and he has only one person’s interest at heart – his own. He has no scruples about coercing Wendy’s best friend, Bryony, into helping him sabotage the new relationship. He doesn’t care what damage he causes.
Between them they intercept text messages and confuse every attempt the lovers make to build on the attraction that they feel for each other.
Despite this, with a little help from their mutual friend, big Paulie, they still keep connecting, forcing Bryony to take more drastic action. She’s always wanted everything that Wendy has, so it is only a small step for her to inveigle her way into bed with Cheryl’s brother.
When Wendy discovers them together, it pushes her into a rash and regrettable encounter with another admirer.
Meanwhile, Bryony’s long-suffering husband, deeply in debt to keep Br

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