‘The Grey Sun Between’ By Nedu Kels

‘ The gods are not to be blamed‘

The nightmares are their worries cuddled within their deepest mind .

‘ He who wants equity comes with a clean hand ‘
Deceit and betrayal amongst mortals for selfish interest dented their hands as they lost the sacred staff for decades .

‘ What you sow , you shall reap
The evil committed by the king to the father was revenged by the son . Vengeance has been planted as a seed in his heart as a child

The days were grayed by the dark secrets of their past kings and the silence of the gods empowered them as demigods , they have lost their conscience as mortals

But when the heart of the gods was pierced with the king’s injustice , atrocities and blood guilt . The gods couldn’t hide their anger and confronted Umudioka town with a calamity that loomed .

The rising chaos in the town struck with unpredicted deaths , famine , strange diseases and mysterious circumstances .

The pressure to save the town surged on the prime minister who had lost every sleep in his eyes but he was never deterred when he lost his half .

When the gods decided to show mercy and forgiveness , they took absolute charge to restore a lost son and a banished outcast with their destinies to bring back the town to live once again .

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