‘The Empath’ by Malachi Witherwax

The Empath is the first installment in my six-part science-fiction series and focuses on the redemption character arc of a violent, sociopathic man named Constantine Law. At the beginning, he exists purely for the purpose of basic human survival and cares little about the lives of anyone who can’t directly benefit him. His entire life is torn apart when he meets Agent Sav Hunter, a Misophone who has a dark history with the planetary government. She believes that Law contains amazing untapped power that has the potential to swing a decades-long conflict between planets. He is suddenly thrust into a world in which his life is no longer what matters most. His aid will either preserve humanity or bring about its destruction. A sudden twist in the middle of the story forces him to shift his perception of human life and molds him into the type of person he needs to be to help end the deadliest war in human history.

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