Every adventure for Harley is big because she is so small.
Harley does not think of herself as small and is never afraid to
explore her world, she is strong and brave.
She lives in a world of possibility never doubting herself always
eager to satisfy her curiosity .
Harley is a rat, who has soft grey fur , flecked with white,
soft pink ears, and beautiful black eyes. She lives with her friend Liana
in a small cozy cottage that overlooks a vast sea.
The waves crash against large rocks spewing water into the air
covering Harley with a fine mist, when she is close enough to shore.
This is one of Harley’s favorite adventures taking a walk near the shore,
she will always find something new even though the path is the same.
Sometimes Harley and Liana will explore different paths, but at this
special time of day, when the sun is starting to go down over the sea
blending the gold with the blue of the sky , they prefer their familiar path.

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC