‘Sultan Road’ By David Celley

Crime/Mystery (98,000 words) Sultan Road begins with the murder of the accountant of an apartment complex in what appears to be a barroom fight. It ends with five more killings and the unraveling of largest act of criminal conspiracy and cover up in Southern California’s history. Not only are homicide detectives on the case, but also a young investigative reporter trying to migrate his writing to the newspaper’s front page. There’s an unusual co-operation between the reporter and the detectives, and a very large amount diversity among the characters – the lead investigator is Latino, his partner is Korean, the woman that owns the housing project is African American, the key tipster is Middle Eastern, and the first victim is Vietnamese. However, the reporter is a white boy surfer. Whoever it was that engineered the accountant’s murder wants to prevent certain information about the land the complex sits on from reaching the wrong hands, and has hired an out-of-town killer to terrorize the owner and workers at the apartment complex. Although Sultan Road is a crime/mystery story, it could also reach thriller audiences with some of the scenes where the police or the reporter are close to the answers they seek.

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Something or Other Publishing, LLC