Painting drawings: Xanim ALISOVA

Cover design: Ergül YILMAZ


A remote farm is a charming Thai lives du . K Osh to jump like so many other sometimes much go away , days later, but he returns.

One day he followed a few butterflies. He ran around the fields like jubilant children . Fresh herbs seven , he smells the flowers. She loves to be free, du , farm source of joy I have Mustku .

Hope , they went to wander in the wilderness with the storm.

Hope; He was a fragile, withdrawn, shy and lonely boy.
Yi competence is he going to class . B had virtually every industry, but it was still his friend was alone. Because Umut loved animals very much, he had seen a few friends treat animals badly, there were some who hit them with a stick, and the one who tied them to the tree with a rope, Umut did not talk to them much outside of school because they treated animals like this.
Umut loved animals very much. So F IRT to ‘ t be loved.

The mut , fırtına’yl a very good anlaşıyord u. The current was someone else who was withdrawn , shy, fragile and lonely.
It was Umut’s source o

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